What to do in a Collision
Getting in a motor vehicle accident can be a very scary and stressful experience. It is important to take steps to protect yourself. When you are in a motor vehicle accident, you should take the following steps:
Call 911 if necessary for emergency personnel to arrive on the scene. If police do not arrive on the scene, take steps to file a police report.
Take pictures of the scene and the vehicles, if possible in the position where they came to rest.
Survey the scene and surrounding building and see if any cameras may have recorded the collision.
Take down the names and contact information of any witnesses.
Seek medical treatment immediately if injured and follow your physician’s instructions.
Report the accident to your auto insurance.
Consult with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as soon as possible and certainly prior to giving any statements to the other driver’s insurance.
The attorneys and Adeszko Abate & Green have extensive experience in advising clients through every step of the process after they have been injured. The advice and counsel they provide from day one helps the process go smoother and will greatly increase the likelihood of a positive result.