Six Figure Life Insurance Claims
When a loved one unexpectedly passes away, a family is undoubtedly left mourning a tragic loss. During this time of grief, debts and bills unexpectedly arise only adding to the stress the family is already feeling. If the family member who passed was the sole breadwinner, the family is left worrying about mortgage payments or rent, grocery bills, paying for children's school and activities… the list goes on and on. It’s a lot to handle at the most inopportune time.
Luckily, many people have a life insurance policy either individually or through work. These policies can be relatively nominal with only enough to cover funeral costs, while others can be substantial into the six and seven figures, and are usually kept with all important financial documents. Regardless of the size of the policy in place for your loved one, there are certain things that you and your family need to do within a limited amount of time in order to receive the benefits of these policies.
First and foremost, notice of the loved one’s death must be timely provided to the insurance company. Usually, the insurance company requires the death certificate in order to confirm the cause of death is covered under the insurance policy. Many insurance companies will seek out any reason to deny paying out these benefits. If there is any discrepancy in the cause of death and whether or not it was covered under your loved one’s policy, the insurance company will likely require time to do an investigation.
An investigation as to coverage can feel invasive, abrasive, and endless. Many times these investigations end following months of endless delays with a denial of coverage. This is simply a denial to provide the benefits for which the life insurance policy promised and was paid for through policy premiums. This denial letter provides you a limited amount of time to challenge the insurance company’s denial of coverage and fight for the benefits you deserve.
At Adeszko, Abate & Green, we review insurance companies’ denials of coverage, and fight for the six and seven figure policy benefits for which your loved one paid and you deserve in your time of grief. If you have been denied benefits on a six or seven figure life insurance policy, please call us for a free consultation.